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Registrar's Office

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for the school records of all students. It is the principal contact unit with the government’s regulatory and monitoring agencies like the CHED, DepEd, TESDA, BID, and others. It also coordinates with private agencies that grant scholarships and financial assistance to students. The Office of the Registrar, in accordance with existing laws and regulations and the school’s rules and procedures contained in the foregoing, shall be solely responsible for the issuance of students’ records.

General Objective

The Registrar’s Office aims to produce scholastic records with utmost integrity and credibility. Its goal is to draw a clear line of systematic functions giving emphasis to matters concerning enrollment, registration, processing, and issuance of academic records, verification, scheduling, archiving, and other related processes that are of relevance. It mainly focuses on providing meaningful and accurate information when and where it is needed and must necessarily ensure the integrity of curricular records.


The FEU Tech Registrar and RO associates are committed to excellence and professionalism in provision of services. Corollary, they seek to provide relevant and accessible programs that address the needs of the students based on principles of academic freedom, equity, transparency, merit, and accountability.


The FEU Tech Registrar and RO associates are dedicated to delivering quality service in accordance to government and school regulations, ensuring students and alumni requests are delivered promptly, thereby enabling students and alumni job application and further education.

The Registrar’s Office

Room 1507


Office Hours: Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. ─ 5:00 p.m.

Trunkline: (02) 8281-8888 loc. 114


Danna May C. Mansul
