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Journals & Publications

FEU Institute of Technology Library subscribes to a wide-range of journals and publications for both Information Technology and Engineering Education. This site provides a list of the currently available journals and publications of the library. For more information, please visit the Periodicals Section or email

College of Computer Studies Journals

Computer Science

  1. Computers in Education Journal
  2. iPhone Life
  3. Journal of the ACM
  4. Journal of Computer Information Systems
  5. Journal of Information Systems Education
  6. Mac Life
  7. MIT Technology Review
  8. Philippine Computing Journal
  9. Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM)
  10. Transactions on Web (ACM)
  11. Web Designer

Information Technology

  1. 3D Artist
  2. 3D World
  3. Adobo Magazine
  4. American Cinematographer
  5. Animation Magazine
  6. Australian Photography + Digital
  7. Computer Arts Magazine
  8. Computer Graphics World
  9. Electronic Gaming Monthly
  10. How It Works (UK)
  11. I-Mag Photography
  12. Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia (AACE)
  13. MIS Quarterly
  14. PC Gamer
  15. Philippine Information Technology Journal
  16. Photoshop Creative (Digital Artist)
  17. Security Management

College of Engineering Journals

Computer Engineering

  1. Circuit Cellar
  2. Gadgets Magazine
  3. HWM (Hardware Magazine Philippines)
  4. Journal of Interactive Learning Research
  5. Trans. on Software Engineering & Methodology (ACM)
  6. Wired

Civil Engineering

  1. Civil + Structural Engineer
  2. Construction Specifier, The
  3. Fine Homebuilding
  4. Hydraulics & Pneumatics
  5. Modern Steel Construction
  6. The Philippine Engineer
  7. Philippine Engineering Journal
  8. Philippine Journal of Civil Engineering
  9. Philippine Journal of Science
  10. Transportation Journal

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  1. EC & M
  2. Electric Light & Power
  3. Electrical Engineer, The
  4. Sound + Vision
  5. Electronic Design
  6. Journal of Engineering Technology
  7. Journal of Radio & Audio Media
  8. Nuts & Volts
  9. Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM)

Mechanical Engineering

  1. International Journal of Optomechatronics (Print)
  2. Journal of Enginerring Education
  3. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (T&F)
  4. Machine Design
  5. Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
  6. Plant & Works Engineering
  7. Popular Mechanics

General Education

HSC: Humanities, Social Sciences and Communication

  1. Art in America
  2. English Journal
  3. Philippine Journal of History
  4. Research in the Teaching of English

MPS: Mathematics and Physical Sciences

  1. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
  2. Journal of College Science Teaching
  3. Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics
  4. Mathematics and Computer Education
  5. Philippines Statistician

Various Interests

  1. My Home
  2. National Geographic
  3. People Asia
  4. Philippines Graphic
  5. Reader’s Digest
  6. Time Magazine

Various Titles

  1. Architectural Digest
  2. Blu Print
  3. Entrepreneur US
  4. Forbes Asia
  5. Philippine Journal of Psychology
  6. Psychology Today

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