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3 Reasons Why You Should Be a Student Leader at FEU Tech

Posted: 2023-02-27

Serve, lead and excel—that is the motto of every student leader here at FEU Institute of Technology. But… who are they and what do they do? Do they get extra credits on their grades? Or do they receive some sort of allowance?

Well, to put it simply, no. But here’s the thing: student leaders gain a lot of learning experience, and we promise you that it’s all worth it. At FEU Tech, there are a total of  19 recognized student organizations (RSOs) you can choose from. All these are spearheaded by our Student Activities and Development Office (SADO).

So if you are a freshman or just simply curious about school organizations, this article is perfect for you. Keep on reading to know the  3 reasons why you should join school organizations and be a Student Leader!

1. Mastery and Discovery

When joining an organization, they ask you first about the specific committee you want to work with. There’s usually a committee for logistics, secretariat, creatives, and programs. Now, whether you are good at paper works, graphics design, or organizing stuff, your chosen committee will give various tasks that can help hone and improve your skills. Sometimes, some situations will allow you to step outside of your comfort zone to learn new skills. Another good thing about this is that your colleagues help you step-by-step along the way, which also builds good relations and even friendships!

2. Practical and Soft Skills

Organizations give you an edge in your career by helping you learn various skills early in college. Besides the practical skills, you also get to learn intangible skills like time management, professionalism, empathy, self-awareness, integrity,and many more. These skills are not only useful in your future industry but they’re also something you’ll get to carry later in your life.

3. Mentors and Friends

Being part of an organization doesn’t limit you to simply working with people. Rather, it also gives you a chance to connect with them to create a harmonious working environment. Entering the world of student leadership opens the door to meeting new mentors and friends. Mentors in the form of organizations advisers give you tons of wisdom and advice. Colleagues, on the other hand, turn to close friends who will help you overcome your college life.

In conclusion, student leadership isn’t always easy because you will encounter challenges from time to time. But the best thing about this is that you will never be alone in your college journey if you are a student leader. In the end, you stay not for the title or the perks it gives you, but because of the people you meet and the knowledge you learn. 

Written by: Reisha Joachim Espino